Izdelki za oprema za furnir (101)

Linija za oblikovanje MDF

Linija za oblikovanje MDF

MDF forming lines consist of machines for forming and monitoring the bre mat. Additional devices for quality monitoring complete the function. The plant modules can be adjusted to the respective requirements thus preparing the mat optimally for its compaction in a ContiRoll®. The equipment is designed to produce board thicknesses between 1.5 and 40 mm without any problem. The forming belt conveyor is a modular design as well tuned to plant output and feasible board formats. Features Forming belt with pneumatic tensioning station as well as electric drive station and integrated automatic reject m Integrated belt scale for controlling the mat former output to ensure consistent product quality Mat moisture meter Automatic edge trimming system ex prepress Monitoring equipment to prevent steel belt damage peak detectors metal detector
Sprinter Standard

Sprinter Standard

Equipada con una cubierta de calentamiento aislada para acelerar los tiempos de pegado y curado durante los procesos de chapado, laminado y curvado, ofreciendo características ideales al trabajar con pegamento blanco (PVAc), PU y adhesivos activados por el calor. Tres elementos de calentamiento tubulares de larga duración alcanzan una temperatura máxima de 80 °C controlados por una unidad digital de temperatura. Otras características como la bomba de vacío de 25m³/h con parada automática y configuración de la presión de vacío, el tablero de compacto HPL, y la robustez de su chasis, crean condiciones de trabajo óptimas para trabajos de carpintería como chapado, laminado y curvado de todo tipo de madera, y materiales conformables.
Mize in police iz masivnega hrasta

Mize in police iz masivnega hrasta

Wir bieten hochwertige Holzbearbeitung. Wir fertigen Tischplatten aus massiver Eiche und Kiefer in großen Mengen. Geölt oder lackiert. Dicke und Abmessungen müssen noch festgelegt werden.
zobna faseta

zobna faseta

Las facetas dentales son hoy muy utilizadas por los pacientes que desean recuperar dientes más blancos y alineados. La faceta dental es un vendaje estético para su diente dañado. Camufla las manchas, las formas irregulares, los dientes descoloridos, demasiado separados o mal alineados. La faceta es ultra fina, de cerámica o material compuesto según la demanda. En efecto, existen varias calidades de facetas: las facetas compuestas o cerámicas. Las facetas compuestas son ventajosas por su coste y composición en resina, reforzada por cargas minerales. Luego tenemos la faceta de cerámica que a menudo se utiliza como Substitute del blanqueamiento dental . Las facetas de cerámica garantizan un aspecto natural de los dientes durante unos veinte años.
Profilni sistemi

Profilni sistemi

Rationelle Verarbeitung von schwachem Rohholz zu Elementen für Leimbinder, Paletten, Parkett, ......
Profilirna naprava

Profilirna naprava

Máquina cuya utilidad es perfilar las planchas para colchón, almohada o embalaje, a la que, incluso en plancha en continuo se le puede acoplar dos arrolladores verticales para la recogida de las dos partes perfiladas. Modelos 2200. Características Ancho máximo de plancha 2200 m/m. Grueso máximo de plancha 180 m/m. Velocidad de corte 35 metros/minuto. Afiladores con motor incorporado y rectificador de muelas. Apaga chispas con recogedor de polvo de afilado. Cuadro de maniobra a 24 V. Potencia instalada 8 CV a 220/380. Opcionalmente se suministran con arrolladores verticales (opción perfilado en continuo). Construída según la Normativa Europea vigente. Modelos:2200 Ancho máximo de plancha:2200 m/m Grueso máximo de plancha:180 m/m
Tekstilni Stroji

Tekstilni Stroji

Seit jeher bauen wir Textilmaschinen für Unternehmen mit Weltruf. Dabei ist uns kein Stoff zu schwer. Nachdem wir Ihre Konstruktionspläne studiert haben legen wir auch schon los. Sollte mal etwas nicht richtig bedacht sein - kommt unsere jahrzehntelange Erfahrung ins Spiel: Wir kennen uns aus und finden schnelle, unkomplizierte Lösungen. Von der Einzelteilfertigung, über die Lackierung bis zur Montage und Inbetriebnahme - Lewe liefert Ihnen alles aus einer Hand.
MSM Vakuumska preša VPS Profesionalna - Mehanizem za vrtenje in podvozje naredijo VPS fleksibilno čudežno mesto

MSM Vakuumska preša VPS Profesionalna - Mehanizem za vrtenje in podvozje naredijo VPS fleksibilno čudežno mesto

Der Schwenkmechanismus und das Fahrwerk machen die MSM Vakuumpresse VPS zum flexiblen Platzwunder Wenn Sie in Ihrem Betrieb nur wenig Platz zur Verfügung haben, aber im Hinblick auf Qualität und Leistungsfähigkeit keine Abstriche machen wollen, steht Ihnen die VPS Professional zur Verfügung. Die schwenkbare Vakuumpresse hat eine Standardtiefe von 1420 mm und ist in den drei Längen 2500, 3000 und 3500 mm erhältlich. Im geschwenkten Zustand benötigt die VPS nur eine Stellfläche von 820 mm in der Tiefe. Sie erhalten dadurch noch mehr Flexibilität, da die Maschine auch durch schmale Türen gefahren werden kann, dabei sorgt die geschweißte Rahmenkonstruktion für höchste Stabilität. Für den Druck von bis zu 10 t/m² sorgt die standardmäßig verbaute, ölumlaufgeschmierte Vakuumpumpe, welche ein Vakuum von bis zu 99,9% erzeugt. Unterstützt durch zwei 100 Liter Vakuumtanks evakuieren Sie den Pressraum in Rekordgeschwindigkeit.
Transportni Vijaki

Transportni Vijaki

Förderschnecken bestehen im Wesentlichen aus dem U- förmigen Trog sowie aus der Schneckenwelle mit Flügeln. Sie werden vorwiegend für den innerbetrieblichen Schüttguttransport (Filterkuchen, Pellets, Holz) eingesetzt. Wie fertigen unsere Förderschnecken in der Standardausführung mit Stehlager und Stopfbuchsenabdichtung. Die Bauformen für den Materialtransport können von einer Steigung 0° bis 90° gewählt werden. Die Baulänge ist je nach Anforderung variabel. Die Materialien für die Schnecken können aus Normalstahl und verschleißfestem Stahl geliefert werden, auch Kunststoffauskleidungen sind möglich.
Tehnologija Tesnjenja

Tehnologija Tesnjenja

HANSA-FLEX löst Ihre Dichtungsprobleme. Als Beratungspartner in der Projektentwicklung, bei Ersatzteilbedarf oder durch Soforthilfe im Notfall. Dichtungen sind in der Hydraulik ein sehr wichtiges Funktionselement. Wo mit Drücken und Medien gearbeitet wird, sind sie entscheidend für den zuverlässigen Betrieb der Anlagen und die Sicherheit von Mensch und Umwelt. Dichtungsprobleme bergen häufig das Risiko von Produktionsausfällen. Teure Ausfallzeiten und Regressansprüche sind die fatalen Folgen.
Postavitve proizvodnih linij

Postavitve proizvodnih linij

IMPLANTATION D'UNE LIGNE DE SÉPARATION MAGNÉTIQUE DE COPEAUX Extracteur Tambour magnétique 3 300 Gauss Poulie magnétique 10 000 Gauss Tube vibrant
čistilo za aniloks

čistilo za aniloks

Le nettoyage par ultrasons des Anilox est l’un des plus efficace car il allie à la fois un effet mécaniques et chimique. En effet, si le produit d’entretien sert à dissoudre ou ramollir les encres jusqu’au fond des alvéoles, les ultrasons servent quant à eux à aspirer hors des alvéoles les encres dissoutes et ce sans danger pour l’Anilox. ​ Nous disposons de divers modèles standards ou sur mesures pour le nettoyage de vos Anilox. Les modèles standards sont équipés en 50 kHz avec en option une deuxième fréquence de 100 kHz pour les linéatures plus élevées. Machine Ultrasons grandes laizes U3000 M1/P1 Machines de nettoyage pour Anilox sleeve & Anilox arbrés
Linija iverne plošče-Predtiskanje

Linija iverne plošče-Predtiskanje

Excellent board qualities are only achieved when the endless particle mat is degassed and compacted before being transferred to the ContiRoll®. This is realised by the Siempelkamp prepress for particleboard production. Features, function An air evacuation zone, the angles and levels of which are adjustable. High-pressure zone incl. hydraulic position control Two circulating belts Belt cleaning systems incl. extraction system installed along all the belts Advantages Eective prevention of soiling or material jams No belt indents in the board surfaces Variants, options Endless air evacuation belt
MDF mat rezalna žaga

MDF mat rezalna žaga

The mat trimming saw cuts the precompressed mat precisely to the width required. Two motor-adjustable saws, one each on either side of the belt, cut the bre mat to the dened width. The trimming waste is disintegrated and may be recycled to the production process. Features, function Modular design Motor-adjusted saw blades incl. distance measurement Max. trimming waste of 420 mm on either side Max. mat height ex prepress 360 mm Integrated hogger including extraction stub to remove the trimming waste Extraction stub at the saw blade
Shranjevanje zorenja

Shranjevanje zorenja

The sanding / saw line manufactures the end product to be sold / the basis for subsequent processes – e.g. lamination – from the master board. Very smooth surfaces and dened dimensions may be realised with great accuracy. The sanding line may be installed separately or combined with the saw line as a closed concept. The sanding machine, saws and other process components are designed and combined on the basis of customer requirements. Our goal: to achieve the best product in all forms through the optimum use of resources! Advantages High capacity Safe and gentle material transport, short conveying distances due to direct connection to machines High exibility Rapid access times Optimum coordination of the machines used with the products, the required capacity and interactions Preferred widths:4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 ft
Prevoz Končanih Plošč

Prevoz Končanih Plošč

This is where the nished boards are sorted by quality and stacked for transport. Features, function The nished boards are transferred from the nishing line, centred, taken up by a suction carriage and placed in dierent stacks depending on the quality assigned in the nishing line. A horizontal transfer carriage picks the stack up and transfers it to a transfer stack. It can be removed by a forklift truck from here. Advantages The options also permit a top and bottom protection board to be put in place without this having an impact on plant performance.
Dolga Lesena Črta

Dolga Lesena Črta

The long-wood line is designed for processing logs with lengths between 3 and 8 meters and diameters between 50 and 850 mm: With the log feed, step feeder, debarker, washing system, dosing system all the way to the highly-ecient disc chippers, the production of high-quality chips is guaranteed. Key features Feeding of wood by means of handling cranes or loading vehicles Robust chain cross conveyors for the direct feed of logs Buer capacity of up to 30 minutes/ 80 metric tons bone dry material Step feeder for absolutely consistent volumes Metal sensor and roller conveyor cleaning system Rotor debarker for eective debarking even at extremely low winter temperatures Robust drum chipper Advantages Highly controllable wood feed Ecient debarking Perfect chip quality thanks to the adjustability of to the feed material mixture Minimal ne material content High lling level and high utilization of chipper c High operational safety
Ravnanje z Neobdelanimi Ploščami

Ravnanje z Neobdelanimi Ploščami

The boards to be coated are fed to the raw-board-handling section where they are separated to allow their surfaces to be cleaned. Features, function A forklift truck is used to place the board stacks on to a roller table from where roller conveyors or horizontal transfer carriages equipped with roller conveyors transport them to one of the two separating station's places. A suction carriage removes the top board from the stack and places it on a conveyor that takes it to the surface-cleaning machine. Advantages The two redundant stacking places allow the short-cycle press to be supplied without interruption. They make it possible to feed new stacks of boards without the need to shut the machine down
Merilni sistem

Merilni sistem

Boards requiring good mechanical properties need the glue mix to be evenly metered and the glue to be applied in the best way possible to the particles or bres. Siempelkamp's integrated metering systems help create precise mixes and accurately meter glues and other chemic ow meters to achieve the best possible metering results. Each unit is completely pre-assembled and to a large exte design means that it is easy to add more metering stations for the glue mix. Features, function Metering systems for dierent quantities and components Program-controlled metering using ow meters Metering tanks for each component equipped with pressure-controlled level controls Innovative software Metering containers and stations are completely pre-assembled.
Polaganje po serijah

Polaganje po serijah

Papers and carrier boards are combined in the batch laying section. In the simplest of cases, a batch that is ready for pressing consists of a sheet of decorative paper as the base layer, a carrier board and a sheet of decorative paper as the top layer. It may in certain circumstances be necessary to use of several types of paper. Features, function Papers soaked in resin are supplied to the plant in sheets lying on pallets. A suction bar separates the papers from the stack and pulls them on to a laying conveyor. A suction carriage delivers the board made from wood-based material. The laying conveyor conveys the batch from laying station to laying station / conveys the assembled batch to the facility core. The batch is statically charged in order to secure the papers on the carrier board for continued transport. Advantages The individual layout of the batch layer is based on coordinated standard modules.
MDF Mat Formatorji

MDF Mat Formatorji

The mat former for MDF production inuences signicantly the output and the quality of the nal product. Its components ensure the material ow from the metering bin inlet, the bin discharge front onto the forming heads underneath up to the levelled bre mat on the forming line. MDF usually requires a homogeneous one-layer mat to be formed on the forming belt. To realise this we use a mechanical forming head (Siempelkamp StarFormer). Features, function Controlled material feed into the bre bin Chute equipped with bre decelerators to reduce the dropping speed of the bres Bin casing providing a buer time of up to 5 minutes Controlled bin bottom belt Discharge front with oset disc rollers Flow-optimised chute Mechanical StarFormer incl. level and angle adjustment
Sistem Odbijanja Mat

Sistem Odbijanja Mat

Following product changes or a surface defect detected by the monitoring equipment, the aected mat section has to be rejected and discharged in time before reaching the ContiRoll®-infeed. This is ensured by Siempelkamp’s reject mat system. It is an in-line element of the forming line. Thanks to its modular design, it can be adjusted to the product parameters, enabling reliable press protection and a quick and material ecient plant restart. Features Drive/reject mat unit including track support Reject mat hopper Integration in the belt drive station Motor-adjustable table including belt deection nose Motor-adjustable belt cleaning brush Advantages Distance-controlled activation for an optimised material discharge and minimised rejects volume Options Including disintegrating rollers Including dust ap Hydraulic reject mat drive Nose stroke 3000 mm or 4000 mm
MDF Predtisk

MDF Predtisk

A homogeneous compaction of the formed mat is indispensable because this is the only way to realise high production speeds and smooth mat transfer to the ContiRoll®. Adequate compaction is provided by the prepress suitable for the production of MDF from 1 to 42 mm. Features, function Two air evacuation zones, the angles and levels of which are adjustable 1.1. zone 1 with a long degassing section incl. a dust extraction system (optional) 1.2. zone 2, medium-pressure zone and degassing via pressure rollers High-pressure zone incl. pressure rollers and hydraulic position control Three circulating belts 1.1. upper air evacuation belt for the degassing zone incl. motorised belt tracking 1.2. perforated press belt (top strand) for the medium- and high pressure zones 1.3. press belt (lower strand) to relieve the circulating forming belt Belt cleaning systems incl
Hladilna in Zlagalna Linija za Proizvodnjo Tankih Plošč

Hladilna in Zlagalna Linija za Proizvodnjo Tankih Plošč

The cooling and stacking line, which is downstream of the ContiRoll®, is the rst part of the nishing line. This is where the continuous process becomes a discontinuous one and the boards are cut from the endless mat. The cooling and stacking line is the rst section of an intralogistical concept that Siempelkamp develops with the customer: We work with the plant owner to dene the best master-board formats that will allow the later end-product formats to be made without ocuts. We develop all downstream processes for the master board and product on the basis of optimum material ows in constant dialogue with the customer. To this end, Siempelkamp sets up a team of experts that will act as the reliable partner throughout the process – from the intralogistical concept, technical implementation, assembly and commissioning/start-up to ongoing support Features and functions Saw section Rejects area Cooling section High-stack forming
OSB Oblikovalna Linija

OSB Oblikovalna Linija

The forming line consists of machines for orienting and forming a multi-layer strand mat for OSB production. The forming line consists of two mat formers including disc orienter heads to create the surface layer and one or two mat formers including pocket orienter heads to create the core layer. The threelayer strand mat thus produced enables high orienting degrees and is a prerequisite for meeting the relevant OSB-standard requirements. Additional devices for quality monitoring complete the function of Siempelkamp’s forming line. The plant modules can be adjusted to the respective requirements thus preparing the mat optimally for its compaction in a ContiRoll®. The equipment is designed to produce board thicknesses between 6 and 38 mm without any problem. The forming belt conveyor is a modular design as well tuned to plant output and feasible board formats.
Neprekinjena panelna tehtnica Conti-Scale X Mulitenergy

Neprekinjena panelna tehtnica Conti-Scale X Mulitenergy

The continuous non-contact Area-Weight Scale CONTI-SCALE X MULTIENERGY determines the panel weight and its distribution during production by measuring the area-weight and by taking the known panel dimensions into account. CONTI-SCALE X MULTIENERGY uses X-ray technology. Two X-ray tubes are located on a horizontal frame above the panel. The low energy X-ray beams are focused across the production width, but scan the full width of the panel. Metal plates on each side of the system prevent someone reaching inside the radiation area. There is no risk to human body parts which might stay beside/outside the system. The X-ray energy will be absorbed. Several detectors are lined up along the lower beam under the panel to measure (per track) the absorbed X-ray energy. This is how the area-weight is measured.
Tanek Paket Plošče

Tanek Paket Plošče

The ultra-thin board package consists of a special cylinder conguration with additional double-acting cylinders. Its concept enables the production of ultra-thin engineered boards in a reliable and stable process. A standard ContiRoll® has a degassing zone in its front section. Double-acting cylinders serve to lift the sides of the press gap to enable a controlled degassing. Since ultra-thin boards are produced at especially high speeds, this standard degassing zone is not long enough for the mat to degas. The optional ultra-thin board package includes additional dierential cylinders functioning as double-acting cylinders to extend the degassing zone signicantly. Dierential cylinders in the remaining part of the press ensure that the upper and the lower steel belts do not make contact during ultra-thin board production, even if there were no mat in-between. Features Additional dierential cylinders operating as double-acting cylinders
Linija za Hladilno in Zlaganje

Linija za Hladilno in Zlaganje

The cooling and stacking line, which is downstream of the ContiRoll, is the rst part of the nishing line. This is where the continuous process becomes a discontinuous one and the boards are cut from the endless mat. The cooling and stacking line is the rst section of an intralogistical concept that Siempelkamp develops with the customer: We work with the plant owner to dene the best master-board formats that will allow the later end-product formats to be made without ocuts. We develop all downstream processes for the master board and product on the basis of optimum material ows in constant dialogue with the customer. To this end, Siempelkamp sets up a team of experts that will act as the reliable partner throughout the process – from the intralogistical concept, technical implementation, assembly and commissioning/start-up to ongoing support. Preferred widths:4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 ft
Oblikovanje Visokih Kupov

Oblikovanje Visokih Kupov

Stacks are created in the high-stack forming section that are then transported to the maturing section to enable the glue to cure. Interim stacks are created on the package-forming table that are built up to high stacks Features High stacks of up to ve metres high Max. weight 60 t Option Protection boards as the top and bottom board
Linija za oblikovanje iverice

Linija za oblikovanje iverice

The particleboard forming line consists of machines for forming and monitoring the particle mat. Additional devices for quality monitoring complete the function of Siempelkamp’s forming line. The plant modules can be adjusted to the respective requirements thus preparing the mat optimally for its compaction in a ContiRoll®. The equipment is designed to produce board thicknesses between 6 and 40 mm without any problem. A typical particle mat former consists of one or two mechanical mat formers for the core layer and two wind sifters for the top and the rear surfaces. The three-layer particleboard thus produced distinguishes by a homogeneous, core layer consisting of coarse particles and two surface layers, the particle size of which is decreasing from the core to the outer faces.